Number: 378
Country: USA, 89 minutes
Spoken Languages: English
Genre(s): Comedy, Crime, Romance, Thriller
Director(s): Noel Black
Cast: Anthony Perkins (as Dennis Pitt), Tuesday Weld (as Sue Ann Stepanek), Beverly Garland (as Mrs. Stepanek), John Randolph (as Morton Azenauer), Dick O'Neill (as Bud Munsch)
Medium: Digital Copy,
Storyline: A formerly institutionalized young man (Anthony Perkins) meets up with a cute, sexy high school cheerleader (Tuesday Weld) and pretends to be a CIA agent to get her interested in him while she responds to his fantasy all too willingly. This, combined with her adult craving for sensual excitement, adds up to a potentially explosive pairing indeed. And explode it does.
Location: X:\Stream\Movies\Pretty Poison.mkv
Loaned: No
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1