Number: 336
Country: USA, 96 minutes
Spoken Languages: English
Genre(s): Comedy
Director(s): Jared Hess
Cast: Jon Heder (as Napoleon Dynamite), Jon Gries (as Uncle Rico), Aaron Ruell (as Kip), Efren Ramirez (as Pedro), Diedrich Bader (as Rex)
Medium: Digital Copy, AAC 2.0 - English
Storyline: Preston, Idaho's most curious resident, Napoleon Dynamite, lives with his grandma and his 32-year-old brother (who cruises chat rooms for ladies) and works to help his best friend, Pedro, snatch the Student Body President title from mean teen Summer Wheatley.
Location: X:\Stream\Movies\Napoleon Dynamite.mkv
Loaned: No
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1