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Insignificance (1985)  link to Insignificance on IMDb  

Number: 259

cover Insignificance

IMDb Rating:
star star star star star star star star star star
6.8/10 (2335 votes)

Country: UK, 110 minutes

Spoken Languages: English

Genre(s): Drama, Comedy

Director(s): Nicolas Roeg

Cast: Theresa Russell (as Actress), Tony Curtis (as Senator), Gary Busey (as The Ballplayer), Will Sampson (as Elevator Attendant), Patrick Kilpatrick (as Driver)

Medium: Digital Copy,

Storyline: Four 1950's cultural icons (Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio and Senator Joseph MacCarthy) who conceivably could have met and probably didn't, fictionally do in this modern fable of post-WWII America. Visually intriguing, the film has a fluid progression of flash-backs and flash-forwards centering on the fictional Einstein's current observations, childhood memories and apprehensions for the future.

Location: X:\Stream\Movies\Insignificance.mkv

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: 16:9 Widescreen